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Call For Paper, Journal of Geographical Sciences and EducationCall For Paper

Journal of Geographical Sciences and Education invites all researchers, scholars, and practitioners to submit their scientific manuscripts to our journals for Vol.2 No. 2 June 2024. The Journal of Geographical Sciences and Education is an open-access journal that publishes rigorously peer-reviewed research.

The Journal of Geographical Sciences and Education covers the following areas:

  1. Physical Geography: Spatial dimension on the earth’s surface, climate, soil, landform, and water;
  2. Human Geography: Spatial dimension on economic, urban, social, and cultural issues;
  3. Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensingand these applications;
  4. Environmental change, environmental education, environmental monitoring, and waste management;
  5. Geography Education;
  6. Disaster Risk Reduction.



Article Processing Charges: FREE

Contact: WA +6282292536041 / pubsains@gmail.com

Journal of Geographical Sciences and Education has now been indexed by Garuda and Google Scholar.

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